Monday, May 9, 2011


...HENRY!! I'm not sure if I'm done quite yet. I'm thinking about layering some more patterns and textures. The part that I love is that I found the word "henry" in an old dictionary and added it to the piece.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Emilio Estevez

It's almost midnight...again, but I've been up working on some projects. I've been experimenting with distressing magazine pages and then using the "new paper" as a ground for painting. This is a portrait of my little sister who incidentally looks nothing like this:) Humor me; everything gets a bit funnier late into the night.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

All Together Now

Baby R

My friend is having a baby boy, and I'm so excited! She is decorating the baby's bathroom with frogs and I wanted to paint something to help celebrate. I'm not sure if I love the colors in this one and I might go ahead and do a couple additional paintings so that I can compare. Congratulations N !!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Verdict......

Dun dun dunnnnn...I think I like the crazy painting better. It's more my style. Let's just be honest for a second; I can't REALLY hibernate, but I can only deal with total chaos in my kitchen/studio for a short period of time. Today I got busy and: finished the flower painting, complete with glaze, completed three min. pieces. About those minis... the matching two are called "Virtue and Grace" and I'm interested in doing a complete series of similar paintings. I love mixed media, I love powerful words, and I love painting. The last (I'm not sure the order these will appear on here) was titled "secret garden" however it kind of got ruined as I was finishing it up. Apparently water-based ink doesn't do well with the acrylic medium I was using...that or I should have waited for the ink to dry completely:( It's good to learn from your mistakes right?